Do you have a birthday to celebrate or a theme party to plan? Eventuated is there to help.
Eventuated understands that people work differently and has adapted accordingly by working with you in one of three ways,
Firstly, you can select a package from our “Products” tab.
Secondly, you can design your own event requirements. Please see below prices or below for personalised costings.
Finally, if you have a figure in mind for your total budget I can work within that budget to include my fee by working with my suppliers to give me the best possible price for your event.
So please contact us today for your personalised quote or any questions wish to ask.
The below costs are based on 100 guests attending your event. All prices include GST. Please note, the below prices exclude hard costs such as catering, AV, entertainment etc. :
Electrionic – $55
Paper (design, printing, envelope, postage) – from $5.50 each
RSVP’s/Registration – $392
Sourcing & Coordination – $165
Sourcing & Coordination – $110
AV (Lighting & Sound)
Sourcing & Coordination – $110
Powerpoint Presentation – $275
Sourcing & Booking – $110
Programmes (design & printing) – from $5.50 each
Tickets (design & printing) – from $2.20 each
Raffle Book (design & printing) – from $3.30 (per book of 50)
Risk Assessment
Personalised for your event – $550
Table Names/Numbers – from $2.59 each
Table Centrepieces – from $13.20 each
Chair Covers – from $5.50 each
Table Runners – from $5.50 each
Design & Coordination (entrance, lectern etc.) – $110
Gifts & Awards
Sourcing & Coordination – $110
Fund Raising
Silent, Ballot and Live Auction sourcing and coordination – $110
Registration on the Day
Seating Plan – $110
Registration at the event (per person attending) – $150
Attendance of an Event Manager at your event for the day – $165